Hero Story

creative race name

25:44 - Matthew_sr
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
LabrysSR confirmed their time - 26:17
LabrysSR commented: "oooooooooops"
Matthew_sr commented: "oops"
Matthew_sr confirmed their time - 25:44
MarsDouze abandoned the race
LabrysSR finished the race - 26:17
Matthew_sr finished the race - 25:44
LabrysSR-choking hazard | 26:01 | 98%
Matthew_sr-Final Rush | 25:27 | 99%
Matthew_sr-Eggman 2 | 24:08 | 94%
LabrysSR-solved skip | 24:25 | 92%
Matthew_sr-Crazy Gadget | 23:50 | 93%
MarsDouzeRouge | 25:36 | 79%
Matthew_sr-Silly Bitch | 23:02 | 89%
LabrysSR-physics abuse | 22:57 | 88%
MarsDouzeMeteor Herd | 25:19 | 77%
Matthew_sr-Meteor Herd | 22:46 | 88%
LabrysSR{Meteor Herd}space lottery | 22:42 | 87%
MarsDouzeEternal Engine | 24:17 | 75%
Matthew_sr-Eternal Engine | 22:04 | 85%
LabrysSR-dragon | 21:50 | 84%
Matthew_sr{Desert} Egg Golem | 20:42 | 79%
MarsDouzeEgg Golem | 22:35 | 69%
LabrysSR-car | 14:22 | 53%
Matthew_sr-WHY IS THERE A FUCKING GHOST!? | 19:57 | 76%
MarsDouzeKing Boom Boo | 21:50 | 66%
LabrysSR-blargh | 19:18 | 73%
MarsDouzeDeath Chamber | 21:09 | 63%
Matthew_sr-Death Chamber | 19:05 | 73%
LabrysSR{Death Chamber}best stage | 18:38 | 70%
MarsDouzePyramid Cave | 20:01 | 59%
Matthew_sr-Pyramid Cave | 18:08 | 70%
LabrysSR-tunnels suck | 18:06 | 67%
Matthew_sr-Hidden Base | 16:29 | 62%
MarsDouzeHidden Base | 17:55 | 52%
LabrysSR-definitely not hidden | 16:19 | 60%
Matthew_srCar | 14:32 | 55%
MarsDouzeRoute 101 | 15:42 | 46%
Matthew_sr{AM Exit} Aquatic Mine | 12:12 | 46%
MarsDouzeAquatic Mine | 13:19 | 39%
LabrysSR{Aquatic Mine}drip | 12:03 | 45%
MarsDouzeMission Street | 12:46 | 37%
Matthew_sr-Mission Street | 11:37 | 44%
LabrysSR-mid road | 11:15 | 42%
Matthew_sr-Sky Rail Hunting Edition | 09:33 | 36%
MarsDouzePumpkin Hill | 10:18 | 30%


Top Ratings
1677 - Flubbler
Top Times This Month
PB - 22:461503+37Done

PB - 25:501430+17Done

PB - 29:271412-54DNF

Abandoned - 38:26
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
LabrysSR confirmed their time - 26:17
LabrysSR commented: "oooooooooops"
Matthew_sr commented: "oops"
Matthew_sr confirmed their time - 25:44
MarsDouze abandoned the race
LabrysSR finished the race - 26:17
Matthew_sr finished the race - 25:44
LabrysSR-choking hazard | 26:01 | 98%
Matthew_sr-Final Rush | 25:27 | 99%
Matthew_sr-Eggman 2 | 24:08 | 94%
LabrysSR-solved skip | 24:25 | 92%
Matthew_sr-Crazy Gadget | 23:50 | 93%
MarsDouzeRouge | 25:36 | 79%
Matthew_sr-Silly Bitch | 23:02 | 89%
LabrysSR-physics abuse | 22:57 | 88%
MarsDouzeMeteor Herd | 25:19 | 77%
Matthew_sr-Meteor Herd | 22:46 | 88%
LabrysSR{Meteor Herd}space lottery | 22:42 | 87%
MarsDouzeEternal Engine | 24:17 | 75%
Matthew_sr-Eternal Engine | 22:04 | 85%
LabrysSR-dragon | 21:50 | 84%
Matthew_sr{Desert} Egg Golem | 20:42 | 79%
MarsDouzeEgg Golem | 22:35 | 69%
LabrysSR-car | 14:22 | 53%
Matthew_sr-WHY IS THERE A FUCKING GHOST!? | 19:57 | 76%
MarsDouzeKing Boom Boo | 21:50 | 66%
LabrysSR-blargh | 19:18 | 73%
MarsDouzeDeath Chamber | 21:09 | 63%
Matthew_sr-Death Chamber | 19:05 | 73%
LabrysSR{Death Chamber}best stage | 18:38 | 70%
MarsDouzePyramid Cave | 20:01 | 59%
Matthew_sr-Pyramid Cave | 18:08 | 70%
LabrysSR-tunnels suck | 18:06 | 67%
Matthew_sr-Hidden Base | 16:29 | 62%
MarsDouzeHidden Base | 17:55 | 52%
LabrysSR-definitely not hidden | 16:19 | 60%
Matthew_srCar | 14:32 | 55%
MarsDouzeRoute 101 | 15:42 | 46%
Matthew_sr{AM Exit} Aquatic Mine | 12:12 | 46%
MarsDouzeAquatic Mine | 13:19 | 39%
LabrysSR{Aquatic Mine}drip | 12:03 | 45%
MarsDouzeMission Street | 12:46 | 37%
Matthew_sr-Mission Street | 11:37 | 44%
LabrysSR-mid road | 11:15 | 42%
Matthew_sr-Sky Rail Hunting Edition | 09:33 | 36%
MarsDouzePumpkin Hill | 10:18 | 30%


Top Ratings
1677 - Flubbler
Top Times This Month